Thursday, 18 May 2017

10 Health Problems to be Aware in all over world

Every year, Pakistan faces more health problems than it did in the previous one, leading to new kinds of diseases and problems that are difficult to treat due to the unfavorable financial, economic and climatic conditions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan ranks at 122 out of 190 countries in terms of health care standards. There have been many interventions made in health care but due to the poor standards of education, there is a lack of doctors and health experts all over which does not create a conducive atmosphere for hospitals to thrive in. Here are the 10 most prevalent health problems existing in Pakistan.
  1. Intestinal Infections
    The most common form of disease in Pakistan is infection since infection occurs in the presence of co-infection. In a developing country like Pakistan, there are many factors that contribute to infections, such as contamination, poor sanitation, fewer resources and lack of medications. According to Bushrasmania on Blogspot, “Diseases which are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites become the main causes of death, disability, as well as social and economic disruption for millions of people”. Intestinal infections include cholera, typhoid Fever, dysentery, food Poisoning and diarrhea amongst others.
  2. Tuberculosis
    TB is a lung disease that is contagious and spreads by coughing and sneezing. Pakistan ranks 8 out of the 22 countries in the world that are most highly prone to tuberculosis, according to WHO. Tuberculosis can occur in the pulmonary (lungs), respiratory, and central nervous system as well as meningitis (brain), bones, joints and other organs.
  3. Bacterial and Viral Diseases
    Viral diseases include viral hepatitis, typhoid, mumps, rabies, measles, chicken pox, and many more. The most common and serious in Pakistan are Typhoid and Hepatitis A and E.
  4. Hepatitis A
    This viral disease spreads through contaminated water or unhealthy food, as a result of poor sanitation and care of local produce. Its symptoms include fever, jaundice and diarrhea and it deteriorates the liver functions.
  5. Hepatitis E
    This viral disease also affects the liver functions and is primarily spread through contaminated water. It may disrupt the urinary tract as well as display other symptoms such as jaundice or fatigue.
  6. Typhoid fever
    This is another bacterial disease caused by contaminated food or water and may result in high fever if the victim is not treated so enough.
  7. Malaria
    Malaria is an anthropoid bone disease which is caused by single-cell plasmodium parasite through a mosquito bite. This specific mosquito is a female Anopheles mosquito which transmits parasites in the liver, attacking red blood cells. The symptoms are severe chills, sweats and high fever. Due to pollution, no climate control and poor drainage systems, these mosquitos find ideal nesting grounds on standing water all around the country and there have been very few preventive measures that are being taken to eradicate this problem.
  8. Dengue fever
    Yet another disease that is transmitted through mosquito bites, dengue fever is a severe form of virus that causes migraines, chills and loss of strength and appetite. Like malaria, it is also due to the hostile climatic changes and an environment that becomes perfect breeding ground for mosquitos.
  9. Yellow fever
    Yellow fever is probably the most severe form of mosquito-borne diseases. It causes viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever and may even result in severe hepatitis or hemorrhagic fever.
  10. Disease of Nervous, Respiratory, Digestive and Urinary systems
    These diseases may collectively include paralysis (stroke), epilepsy, Parkinson’s fever, angina, heart failure (attack), pneumonia, asthma, influenza, bronchitis, ulcer appendicitis, hernia, jaundice, and kidney failure.

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